First Day Cover
Sobrescrito de 1.º Dia

Cultural Heritage of Slovakia: Church of St. George in St. Jur
Date of Issue : 28 January 2011
The stone Altar of St. George in Svätý Jur near Bratislava takes a prominent place among the works of art between Gothic and Renaissance period. The centre of altar architecture, basically divided into four horizontal registers, is the figure of St. George – who is a knight on horseback, with spear, killing the dragon under the horse’s hooves. Sculpture, almost in the form of free equestrian statue, is in the background completed by the relief of the landscape scenery, while garlands over it create a natural canopy. This décor is crowned by smaller scenes on the sides – on the wings of the altar, with four scenes from the life of the titular saint
In the dividing part, the groups of the Christ's Birth and Escape to Egypt are located; while in the middle there was originally the Adoration of the Magi, now preserved outside the altar. The gable over the main stage is dominated by spectacle of St. George in conversation with the Emperor; at the very top there is the Passion of St. Sebastian. Its motif, situated in the semi-circular medallion at the top of the altar, is the drawing on FDC.
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