First Day Cover
Sobrescrito de 1.º Dia

International Year of Chemistry
Date of Issue : 17 January 2011
The 63rd UN General Assembly in December 2008 approved the year 2011 to be the International Year of Chemistry – IYC on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the International Association of Chemical Societies – IACS (a few years later, it was transformed to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The main theme of IYC 2011 is “Chemistry – Our Life, Our Future” and is focused on the achievements of chemistry and its contribution to well-functioning human society.
The basis of the stamp design is made up of two important chemical compounds, water and carbon dioxide, depicted according to the calotte model, which interact in photosynthesis. Colouring of the stamp reflects dual-wise two basic stages of photosynthesis: light – in the form of sunlight and dark – in the form of blue colour symbolizing water. Sunlight and chlorophyll are the catalyst of photosynthesis, which results in oxygen and glucose, two molecules of life, having an essential role in our lives. The green leaf appears on the first day cover (FDC), representing chlorophyll, along with formulas of entering and generated chemical compounds and completes the picture of this unique photochemical reaction. C60 fullerene is pictured on the FDC stamp. It is one of several allotropic forms of carbon. Fullerenes are of significant importance and they are used in nanotechnology, which is one of the most attractive technologies of chemistry today.
This FDC is really very nice. Thank You very much !
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