First Day Cover
Sobrescrito de 1.º Dia

Nature Protection: Muránska Plain - Primerose (Primula Auricula)
Date of Issue : 15 October 2010
There are around 400 types in the Primula genus blooming in spring. Primula can be found by swamps and wetlands as well as in the alpine areas. The representatives of the genus are spread mainly in the northern hemisphere where almost half of the species originated in the Himalayas. There are seven species of this genus in Slovakia.
In Slovakia, it is located in numerous limestone mountains where it grown in rocks, rock slits and on talus. They can be frequently found on the cliffs of Muránska plain. It is a sun-exposed, or half-shade species. Early in spring (April to June) it beautifies the rocks with its bright yellow fragrant flowers. It blooms so early because floral buds start already in the autumn and they overwinter covered in leaves. The plant is 5 – 25 cm high. Fleshy, obovate, grey to dark-green leaves are located in the leaf rosette. Apart from the decorative use, it is also used as the medicinal plant. It has the same healing effects as the less rare and not protected Primula veris. For its rarity this species in Slovakia belongs to the legally protected plants. This species is also included in the Red List of higher plants in Slovakia and it is listed in the category of endangered species.
Just like the "Nature Protection: Muránska Plain - Daphne Arbuscula" FDC, there is a special postmark from the stamp inauguration celebration and also, the datestamp cancellation of Tisovec town (in the Muran Mouuntains). I very much like it. Thanks a lot to my friend.
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